NMLS LICENSE #640300BRE #01119095Monday–Friday, 8am-6pm PST

Category: Housing Market

  • New Homes on the Way

    Despite a month-long tease by way of comments from various board members, the September meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) came and went this week leaving rates untouched. A hike in the fed funds rate did get three “yes” votes, two more than in August. Whether in reaction to the FOMC decision or…

  • Positive Housing News

    Commentary ~ February 5, 2016   Concern rose this past week about a slowing economy, both globally and here at home. The U.S. stock market continued its recent cycle of alternating triple-digit swings and the 4th quarter GDP came in at a measly 0.7%, lowering projections for the year to around 1.9%.   The gloomy outlook however…

  • Piggy Banks Are Back

    Commentary ~ January 15, 2016   Last week ended with an absolute blow-out of a jobs report. Newly created jobs for the month of December came in at 292,000–nearly 30% over the 200,000 that the majority of Econoday analysts had predicted.   Adding to that good news was a significant upward revision in the November…

  • Catching Up

    Commentary ~ January 8, 2016   The bells have rung, the ball has dropped, and our two weeks of pretty much ignoring the world have ended. It’s 2016 and we are happily back to the grind.   It was actually fairly quiet during the hiatus. The usual data was released, the usual year-end predictions rolled…

  • Saved From The Beach

    Commentary ~ December 11, 2015   It was one of the slowest weeks for housing and economic data in a very long time. We might have shut off the lights and gone to the beach but for two monthly jobs reports.   The Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation report showed November to be another…

  • Playing Catch-Up

    Commentary ~ December 4, 2015   While most of us were more engaged by cooking, eating, visiting, and shopping than by what was happening on the housing front, the gears ground on without us. There is a lot to catch up on.   Three major price indices–the Case-Shiller and the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s indices…